An army of Sophie & Julienne (5°4)

Publié le par Mousepotato

An army of Sophie & Julienne (5°4)An army of Sophie & Julienne (5°4)An army of Sophie & Julienne (5°4)

Listen to Sophie !

It's Julienne's turn to read aloud !

An army of ostriches...

This morning, at sunrise, Martin and Emma were joging in the street.

They stopped to eat.

Suddenly, some ostriches started to chase Martin and Emma in the street.

They were running fast and Martin took the key of his car in his pocket.

His hand were shaking. They started the car and drove away quickly.

The ostriches just wanted company and they went back to the zoo.

It's sad.

Publié dans Travaux d'élèves

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