In the morning...(video / présent simple)

Publié le par Marielle Bianchi


In the morning...

I'm always very busy in the morning.

How about you ?

Let's preview !

Get up ! Make the bed ! Go to the bathroom ! Go for a run ! Take a shower ! Get dressed ! Brush my teeth ! Change the baby ! Make coffeee ! Make breakfast ! Wash the dishes ! Read the newspaper ! Make lunch ! Take out the trash ! Check email ! Leave for work !


I usually get up at 6:10 every morning !

How about you ? When do you get up ?

I always make the bed in the morning.

Do you ?

I always go to the bathroom in the morning.

I sometimes go for a run in the morning.

How about you ?

I always take a shower after my run.

Do you take a shower in the morning?

I always get dressed after my shower.

I brush my teeth every morning.

I'm always changing the baby...stinky diapers !

I make coffee every morning.

How about you ? Do you make coffee every morning.

I make breakfast every morning.

How those eggs look ? Yummy ! Homemade salsa ; can you  make salsa ?

I always wash the dishes after I cook.

How about you ? Do you always wash the dishes after you cook ?

I read the newspaper every morning.

How about  you ? Do you read the paper every morning?

I usually make my lunch every morning.

How about you ? Do you make your lunch every morning ?

Do you know what kind of sandwich that is ? It's egg and avocado ! Yummy and healthy !

I take out the trash, twice a week.

I check my email every morning.

When do you check your email ? In the morning ? In the afternoon ? At night ?

I leave for work at around 8:30 in the morning. How about you ? When do you leave for work or when do you leave for school ?

Ok, great job !

Let's review !

Publié dans Extra work 6°

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