How bored I am ! (present continuous-be+ing rap song / video)

Publié le par Marielle Bianchi

Pour mes petits 6° - qui n'aiment pas que je les appelle "petits" et les autres, une chanson-rap sur le présent be-ing...

Chanson écrite par Turgay Evren.

Arrangements et chant : JS Levine

Ecoutez, répétez, inventez !

My mum is cooking in the kitchen

Dad is reading his newspaper

My sister is watching a movie

I am bored and lonely

I am doing nothing (2x)

My mum is cleaning the house

Dad is working at home

My sister is listening to mp3s

I am sad and lonely

I am doing nothing (2x)

My mum is doing the laundry

Dad is surfing the net

My sister is busy with her guest

I feel bad and lonely

I am doing nothing


Publié dans Extra work 6°

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