Creation of a manga by Mélian (5°4) (writing) & Fadi (5°4) (ideas)

Publié le par Mousepotato

Illustration by Mélian

Illustration by Mélian

This is about two Japanese friends, Lukateki and Naliem.

The two friends wrote a Manga. Lukateki worked on the script and Naliem worked on the drawing.

One day, when the sun was shining, the two friends finally finished their manga. They were very tired. They sent it to Pika Editions...

Three months later, on January 15th, the pressure increased because, in the letter box , there was an enveloppe where it was written "Pika Editions". They opened it and their joy was growing...They saw that their manga would be published !

Mélian & Fadi

Publié dans Travaux d'élèves

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